Saturday, January 16, 2010

How Big is your Stash?

This is for my peeps over in the Stash Knit Down Group in Ravelry

How many YARDS of yard do you have in your stash? free polls

Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 Stash in Summary

I have knit/crocheted up 13,289 yards of yarn (FOs only).

I started the year at 43,954 yards,
I purchased 19,277 yards,
I knit up 13,289 yards,
I destashed 7,242 yards
Leaving me with 42,853 yards.

So, I am down from the beginning of the year, but only 1,101 yards. At this pace I’ll be done in just under 39 years.

Next year, I am going "cold sheep", as my fellow ravelers call it. No yarn purchases all year, unless I need a small amount to finish a specific project. Free yarn is okay, swapping is okay, as long as I'm not spending money and as long as my total is going down.